The #WeWomenAreWater campaign, begins March 15th and ends 24th March, 2023. The campaign aims to highlight the crucial role that women play in the protection and sustainable use of water-related ecosystems as the basis of resilient livelihoods and to address Climate Change. This campaign is led by the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action(GAGGA) and it features stories from indigenous women, particularly women who are resisting extractive industries, monoculture tree plantations and other false climate solutions, women who are proposing and implementing successful gender-just climate and water solutions but lack political and financial support.
The campaign calls on governments, international development banks and funds such as the Green Climate Fund to stop investing in environmentally destructive projects that violate human rights and negatively impact ecosystems, large hydropower dams, oil and gas extraction activities but support and invest community-led initiatives and local climate actions that address water issues and climate change. Governments, international developments bank and the Green Climate funds should align investments with the Sustainable Development Goals and with their international and national human rights obligations.
The objectives of the campaign are:
Increase and improve the quality of finance for water and climate solutions which are gender- just and accessible for local communities and women-led organizations.
Ensure decision-making processes on water and climate related policies and projects are truly inclusive and co-created with women-led organizations and local groups who are actively engaged in gender-just water and climate solutions and directly impacted by water insecurity and climate change.
Women and Girls call on government to commit to uphold the human right to water and invest in women’s leadership in gender-just water and climate solutions! Women and girls from local and indigenous communities are at the forefront protecting water resources and ensuring water security for all! In return they face water privatization, pollution from extractive industries, human rights violations, and false climate solutions.
Kebetkache joins the #WeWomenAreWater campaign by organizing a Women and Water SUMMIT, where Kebetkache and 6 community women groups will share to the We Women Are Stories to amplify the voices of countless women who are protecting and preserving water-related ecosystems. So let's raise our voices, share our stories and take action to advocate for commitments from governments, international development banks and the
Green Climate funds.
The We Women Are Water Summit holds in Port Harcourt on 23rd March 2023.
